Developer Resources > Examples
3PL Billing
If you are a 3PL you might want to handle your client billing through the API, for example, if you want to integrate with your current accounting procedure.
There are 5 actions you can use to manipulate bills:
- Create a Bill
- Recalculate a Bill
- Update a Bill’s status
- Submit a Bill to your client
- Delete a Bill
Create a Bill
This is the first action you want to take when billing a customer, in this case, you will need to call the bill_create
mutation as follows:
mutation{ bill_create(data:{ customer_account_id:"7556" start_date:"2021-11-01" end_date:"2021-11-04" } ) { request_id complexity bill{ id legacy_id status customer_name profile_name created_at due_date amount totals(first: 5){ edges{ node{ id legacy_id amount label category quantity } } } bill_exports(first: 5){ edges{ node{ id legacy_id status file_url } } } billing_period{ start end } billing_frequency } } }
And this is an example response you should be getting:
{ "data": { "bill_create": { "request_id": "618410c9dac8be5f60d8098a", "complexity": 1, "bill": { "id": "QmlsbDo1ODkxNQ==", "legacy_id": 58915, "status": "queued", "customer_name": "Child Account Nr2", "profile_name": "Test", "created_at": "2021-11-04T16:56:41", "due_date": null, "amount": "0.00", "totals": { "edges": [ { "node": { "id": "RmVlQ2F0ZWdvcnlUb3RhbDoxNzg2NzQ=", "legacy_id": 178674, "amount": "0.00", "label": null, "category": "recurring", "quantity": 0 } }, { "node": { "id": "RmVlQ2F0ZWdvcnlUb3RhbDoxNzg2NzU=", "legacy_id": 178675, "amount": "0.00", "label": null, "category": "order", "quantity": 0 } } ] }, "bill_exports": { "edges": [] }, "billing_period": { "start": "2021-11-01", "end": "2021-11-04" }, "billing_frequency": "monthly" } } } }
- This will only calculate the amount due in the provided time frame, billing profile and parameters must be previously set up in
Recalculate a Bill
This can be used, for example, if there was an update to the profile assigned to the customer that affects the amount due. The mutation, in this case, is bill_recalculate
mutation{ bill_recalculate(data:{ customer_account_id:"7556" id:"58915" } ) { request_id complexity bill{ id legacy_id status customer_name profile_name created_at due_date amount totals(first: 5){ edges{ node{ id legacy_id amount label category quantity } } } bill_exports(first: 5){ edges{ node{ id legacy_id status file_url } } } billing_period{ start end } billing_frequency } } }
You will receive a response similar to the following:
{ "data": { "bill_recalculate": { "request_id": "618427a5f92531de6da4252d", "complexity": 1, "bill": { "id": "QmlsbDo1ODkxOA==", "legacy_id": 58918, "status": "queued", "customer_name": "Child Account Nr2", "profile_name": "Test", "created_at": "2021-11-04T18:34:13", "due_date": null, "amount": "0.00", "totals": { "edges": [ { "node": { "id": "RmVlQ2F0ZWdvcnlUb3RhbDoxNzg2ODc=", "legacy_id": 178687, "amount": "0.00", "label": null, "category": "recurring", "quantity": 0 } }, { "node": { "id": "RmVlQ2F0ZWdvcnlUb3RhbDoxNzg2ODg=", "legacy_id": 178688, "amount": "0.00", "label": null, "category": "order", "quantity": 0 } } ] }, "bill_exports": { "edges": [] }, "billing_period": { "start": "2021-11-01", "end": "2021-11-04" }, "billing_frequency": "monthly" } }
- This mutation will delete the previously created bill and generate a new one using the same time frame, which will have a new ID. You can check this ID on the response.
Update a Bill’s status
This is used to change the bill’s status to draft, finalized, or paid. Draft is the default status, which allows you to audit and update as needed. Finalized sets the bill ready to be submitted to the client. Paid is used when the amount due was paid for by the client. Status is updated using the bill_update
mutation{ bill_update(data:{ customer_account_id:"7556" id:"58918" status:"draft" } ) { request_id complexity } }
As a response you will receive the request ID and the amount of credits expended.
- You can go back and forth between draft and finalized statuses in case you need to recalculate, but Paid can only be used on finalized bills, and once in this status, it can’t go back to draft or finalized.
Submit a Bill to your client
This mutation triggers an email to your client with the bill attached and adds the due date on your dashboard based on the payment terms you have configured for each customer. To do this use the bill_submit
mutation{ bill_submit(data:{ customer_account_id:"7556" id:"58918" } ) { request_id complexity } }
As a response you will receive the request ID and the amount of credits expended.
Delete a Bill
This will delete the bill even if it was already submitted. The mutation for this action is bill_delete
mutation{ bill_delete(data:{ customer_account_id:"7556" id:"58918" } ) { request_id complexity } }
As a response you will receive the request ID and the amount of credits expended.
- Once deleted, you can still see the bill on your dashboard, but you can’t undo this action.