Developer Resources > Examples
In this section, we will explore some examples of the different queries & mutations available on the API.
Note: For better readability, all of the available fields are not included in our example queries. To navigate through the Schema and see all of the fields available, please check our Schema.
In this section we will explore some example on how we can create/modify data through Mutations.
Note: For better readability, all of the available fields are not included in our example queries. We also will be using non 3PL accounts, so in case you have make a Mutation for a 3PL’s client the customer_account_id has to be added on the query. To navigate through the Schema and see all of the fields available, please check our Documentation section.
Order Create:
To create an order you will have to use the order_create
mutation. For example, for the following:
- Order number: 11223344
- Product SKU: testSKU12345
- Product Quantity: 2.
The mutation will look something like this:
mutation { order_create( data: { order_number: "11223344" shop_name: "ExampleShop" fulfillment_status: "pending" order_date: "2019-07-29" total_tax: "29.00" subtotal: "150.00" total_discounts: "20.00" total_price: "159.00" shipping_lines: { title: "UPS" price: "0.00" carrier: "UPS" method: "Ground" } shipping_address: { first_name: "John" last_name: "Johnson" company: "The Johnson Co" address1: "2543 Duck St." address2: "Apt. 2" city: "Oklahoma" state: "Oklahoma" state_code: "OK" zip: "73008" country: "US" country_code: "US" email: "" phone: "5555555555" } billing_address: { first_name: "John" last_name: "Johnson" company: "The Johnson Co" address1: "2543 Duck St." address2: "Apt. 2" city: "Oklahoma" state: "OK" state_code: "OK" zip: "73008" country: "US" country_code: "US" email: "" phone: "5555555555" } line_items: { sku: "testSKU12345" partner_line_item_id: "282960815" quantity: 2 price: "150.00" product_name: "Example Product" fulfillment_status: "pending" quantity_pending_fulfillment: 2 warehouse_id: "V2FyZWhvdYNlOjgwNzU=" } required_ship_date: "2019-08-29" } ) { request_id complexity order { id order_number shop_name fulfillment_status order_date total_tax subtotal total_discounts total_price custom_invoice_url account_id email profile packing_note required_ship_date shipping_address { first_name last_name company address1 address2 city state state_code zip country country_code email phone } line_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id sku product_id quantity product_name fulfillment_status quantity_pending_fulfillment quantity_allocated backorder_quantity eligible_for_return customs_value warehouse_id locked_to_warehouse_id } } } } } }
Order Update:
If you want to update, for example, the shipping address on an order, you will have to use the order_update
mutation, and with the order_id
send the following:
mutation { order_update( data: { order_id: "T3JkZXI6MTQxODk1Mzc4" packing_note: "Some note for the Packer" profile: "default" priority_flag:true shipping_address: { address1: "2543 Duck St." address2: "Apt. 2" city: "Oklahoma" state: "OK" state_code: "OK" zip: "73008" country: "US" country_code: "US" email: "" phone: "5555555555" } } ) { request_id complexity } }
Note: partner_line_item_id should be a unique identifier across all the orders in the store.
Note: For updating the fulfillment_status, the order_update_fulfillment_status mutation should be used.
To change inventory you need to use the inventory_add mutation, but it’s the same logic as inventory_remove
Let’s say you want to add a quantity of 1000 to a product that has 0 stock and its located on one of our warehouses.
The Mutation would look like:
mutation{ inventory_add(data:{ sku:"12258196226120", warehouse_id:"V2FyZWhvdXNlOjgwNzU=", quantity:1000 }){ request_id complexity warehouse_product{ id account_id on_hand inventory_bin } } }
And the response for it should be something like this:
{ "data": { "inventory_add": { "request_id": "5d3facf3efa03bdc83f97f10", "complexity": 10, "warehouse_product": { "id": "UHJvZHVjdDoyODkxOTYyNjY=", "account_id": "QWNjb3VudDozODAx", "on_hand": 1000, "inventory_bin": null, } } } }
- If it’s a 3PL’s account, inventory should be altered using the 3PL account_id and specifying the customer_account_id
- To make Bulk Operations or manage different Bins(Dynamic Slotting Locations) these mutations are also available.
For example, to create a product, the Mutation should be something like this:
mutation { product_create( data: { name: "wood chair" sku: "123woodchair" warehouse_products: { warehouse_id: "V2FyZWhvdXNlOjY1NDU=" on_hand: 130 price: "23.00" value: "15.00" inventory_bin: "Bin A1" reserve_inventory: 0 replenishment_level: 1 reorder_level: 1 reorder_amount: 20 custom: false } barcode: "2233443355chair" country_of_manufacture: "US" dimensions: { weight: "12", height: "25", width: "10", length: "25" } kit: false kit_build: false no_air: false final_sale: false customs_value: "1.00" not_owned: true dropship: false } ) { request_id complexity product { id legacy_id account_id name sku barcode country_of_manufacture dimensions { weight height width length } tariff_code kit kit_build no_air final_sale customs_value customs_description not_owned dropship created_at } } }
And the response should look something like this:
{ "data": { "product_create": { "request_id": "5d3fd355204bb3f0360dfe8f", "complexity": 10, "product": { "id": "UHJvZHVjdEluZm86MjY2MDU0NjIx", "legacy_id": 266054621, "account_id": "QWNjb3VudDozODAx", "name": "wood chair", "sku": "123woodchair", "barcode": "2233443355chair", "country_of_manufacture": "US", "dimensions": { "weight": "12.00000000", "height": "25.00000000", "width": "10.00000000", "length": "25.00000000" }, "tariff_code": null, "kit": false, "kit_build": false, "no_air": false, "final_sale": false, "customs_value": "1.0000", "customs_description": null, "not_owned": true, "dropship": false, "created_at": "2019-07-30T05:19:17+00:00" } } } }
Product update
For example, to update a product’s dimensions, you will need to specify the product SKU, and the Mutation should be something like this:
mutation { product_update( data: { sku: "1122334457" dimensions: { weight: "1.00" height: "1.00" width: "1.00" length: "1.00" } } ) { request_id complexity } }
Note: For better readability, all of the available fields are not included in our example queries. To navigate through the Schema and see all of the fields available, please check our Documentation section.
For this example we will create a Vendor using the vendor_create
mutation { vendor_create( data: { name: "TestVendorCreate" email: "" account_number: "11111111" address: { name: "The Johnson Co" address1: "2543 Duck St." address2: "Apt. 2" city: "Oklahoma" state: "Oklahoma" zip: "73008" country: "US" phone: "5555555555" } currency: "USD" default_po_note: "Default Note" } ) { request_id complexity vendor { id legacy_id name email account_number account_id address { name address1 address2 city state country zip phone } currency default_po_note created_at } } }
And the response should look something like this:
{ "data": { "vendor_create": { "request_id": "5d3fc85c0601361d5019d3eb", "complexity": 5, "vendor": { "id": "VmVuZG9yOjE1NjE4Nw==", "legacy_id": 156187, "name": "TestVendorCreate", "email": "", "account_number": "11111111", "account_id": "QWNjb3VudDozODAx", "address": { "name": null, "address1": "2543 Duck St.", "address2": "Apt. 2", "city": "Oklahoma", "state": "Oklah", "country": "US", "zip": "73008", "phone": "5555555555" }, "currency": "USD", "default_po_note": "Default Note", "created_at": "2019-07-30T04:32:28+00:00" } } } }
Vendor Add/Remove Product
To be able to add products to a specific Vendor you will need to use the vendor_add_product
The required fields for this, are vendor_id
and sku
, for example:
mutation { vendor_add_product( data: { vendor_id: "VmVuZG9yOjMxOTcxOA==", sku: "45933041" } ) { request_id complexity } }
This same applies to vendor_remove_product
To create a Kit you have to use the kit_build
Mutation, this is:
mutation { kit_build( data: { sku: "KitSKU" components: [ { sku: "Component1", quantity: 1 } { sku: "Component2", quantity: 1 } ] kit_build: false warehouse_id: "V2FyZW4junNlOjY1NDU=" } ) { request_id complexity product { id sku components { id sku } } } }
- KitSKU, Component1, and Component2 must already exist in that specific warehouse.
: is if you need this Kit to be a Build Kit or not, the default will go to NO (false)
And then, if you need to remove a component from the kit, you can use the kit_remove_components
mutation { kit_remove_components( data: { sku: "KitSKU" components: [{ sku: "Component1" }] } ) { request_id complexity product { id sku components { id sku } } } }
If you also need to clear a Kit (disassemble the kit from its components in ALL warehouses) you can use the kit_clear
mutation { kit_clear(data: { sku: "1122334495" }) { request_id complexity } }
Purchase Order
To create a purchase order you have to use the purchase_order_create
Mutation, for example:
mutation { purchase_order_create( data: { po_date: "2020-01-01" po_number: "TestPOExample" subtotal: "230.00" tax: "2.30" shipping_price: "0.00" total_price: "230.00" warehouse_id: "V2FyZWhvdXNlOjgwNzU=" line_items: [ { sku: "testSKU12345" quantity: 5 expected_weight_in_lbs: "1.00" vendor_id: "VmVuZG9yOjE1NjE2Mw==" quantity_received: 0 quantity_rejected: 0 price: "230.00" product_name: "Product for testing Purchase Orders" fulfillment_status: "pending" sell_ahead: 0 } ] fulfillment_status: "pending" discount: "0.00" vendor_id: "VmVuZG9yOjE1NjE2Mw==" } ) { request_id complexity purchase_order { id po_number account_id warehouse_id vendor_id created_at po_date date_closed packing_note fulfillment_status po_note description subtotal discount total_price tax shipping_method shipping_carrier shipping_name shipping_price tracking_number payment_method payment_due_by payment_note locking locked_by_user_id line_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id sku } } } } } }
To create a shipment for a specific order, you have to use the shipment_create
Mutation, where you can specify a label if needed, for example:
mutation { shipment_create( data: { order_id: "1203948237" warehouse_id: "V2FyZWhvdXNlOjY1NDU=" address: { name: "John" address1: "2543 Johnson St." address2: "Apt. 2" city: "Oklahoma" state: "Oklahoma" zip: "73008" country: "US" phone: "5555555555" } line_items: { line_item_id: "111223344", quantity: 1 } labels: { address: { name: "John" address1: "2543 Johnson St." address2: "Apt. 2" city: "Oklahoma" state: "Oklahoma" zip: "73008" country: "US" phone: "5555555555" } carrier: "UPS" shipping_name: "UPS - Ground" shipping_method: "Ground" cost: "0.00" dimensions: { weight: "12", height: "12", width: "12", length: "12" } label: { paper_pdf_location: "" thermal_pdf_location: "" pdf_location: "" } line_item_ids: "111223344" tracking_number: "1234434242444444434" } notify_customer_via_shiphero: true notify_customer_via_store: true shipped_off_shiphero:true profile: default } ) { request_id complexity shipment { id legacy_id order_id user_id warehouse_id pending_shipment_id address { name address1 address2 city state country zip phone } picked_up needs_refund refunded delivered shipped_off_shiphero dropshipment created_date line_items(first: 2) { edges { node { id line_item_id quantity } } } } } }
This feature allows you to generate a return for a specific order. The mutation should be something like this:
mutation { return_create( data: { order_id: "102360573" warehouse_id: "6545" return_reason: "No longer wants" label_type: FREE label_cost: "1.00" address: { name: "Tester One" address1: "55 W RAILROAD AVE" address2: "BLDG 4" city: "GARNERVILLE" state: "NY" country: "US" zip: "10923-1261" phone: "8556055222" } dimensions: { weight: "1.00" height: "1.00" width: "1.00" length: "1.00" } shipping_carrier: "UPS" shipping_method: "UPS Ground" line_items: { sku: "12258196226120" quantity: 1 return_reason: "No longer wants" condition: "new" } tracking_number: "12345678910" } ) { request_id complexity return { id order_id reason status label_type label_cost shipping_carrier shipping_method address { name address1 address2 city state country zip phone } line_items { id line_item_id product_id quantity reason } created_at } } }
And the response:
{ "data": { "return_create": { "request_id": "5d547c8e47de2ba3e95322f3", "complexity": 10, "return": { "id": "UmV0dXJuOjc2MTQwMg==", "order_id": "T3JkZXI6MTAyMzYwNTcz", "reason": "No longer wants", "status": "pending", "label_type": "FREE", "label_cost": "1.00", "shipping_carrier": "UPS", "shipping_method": "UPS Ground", "address": { "name": null, "address1": "55 W RAILROAD AVE", "address2": "BLDG 4", "city": "GARNERVILLE", "state": "NY", "country": "US", "zip": "10923-1261", "phone": null }, "line_items": [ { "id": "UmV0dXJuSXRlbToxMjI1MzEw", "line_item_id": "TGluZUl0ZW06Mjk5Njc5OTEy", "product_id": "UHJvZHVjdDoyODI5NjA4MTU=", "quantity": 1, "reason": "No longer wants" } ], "created_at": "2019-08-14T21:26:38+00:00" } } } }
Lot Create
This feature allows you to create a Lot. The mutation should be something like this:
mutation { lot_create( data: { name: "Lot Nr.4" sku: "1122334455" expires_at: "2022-09-12" is_active: true } ) { request_id complexity } }
Lot Update
This feature allows you to update an existing Lot. The mutation should be something like this:
mutation { lot_update(data: { lot_id:"4651" name:"Lot Nr.4" expires_at:"2022-08-30" is_active:true }) { request_id complexity } }