Developer Resources > Examples
Available operations:
The following processes will apply for both Fulfillment and Saas:
- Authentication
- Schema & Docs
- Queries & Mutations
- Throttling & Quotas
- Optimizing a Query
- Webhooks
- Core Concepts
When it comes to specific Queries and Mutations, not all of them might be available for Fulfillment.
The ones that will be available for Fulfillment accounts are the following:
Create Orders
Create Products
Create Shipping Plan
The rest of the mutations are available for Fulfillment, except for the ones specified next.
The ones that will not be available for Fulfillment accounts are the following:
Edit Shipping Plans (Purchase Orders)
Create / Edit Vendors
Inventory Sync
Inventory Add / Remove / Subtract / Replace
Location Create / Remove / Update
Mostly all the queries are available for Fulfillment accounts. There are some specific queries for Fulfillment accounts that are
The ones that will not be available for Fulfillment accounts are the following:
The queries related to Inventory (
, inventory sync queries)
For most of the mutations available for the Fulfillment account, you can see some examples in our Examples section or also by inspecting the Schema & Docs.
The mutations specific to Fulfillment are the following:
Shipping Plan Create
This Mutation will allow you to create a shipping plan
Mutation example:
mutation { shipping_plan_create( data: { subtotal: "0.00" shipping_price: "0.00" total_price: "0.00" warehouse_id: "13534" line_items: [ { product_name: "Iron Man", sku: "0102", quantity: 10 } { product_name: "Black Panther", sku: "0103", quantity: 10 } ] pallet: { floor_loaded: false kind: "ltl" quantity: 2 page_size: "letter" } } ) { complexity shipping_plan { id account_id fulfillment_status warehouse_id subtotal pdf_location line_items(first: 10) { edges { node { sku quantity } } } pallets(first: 10) { edges { node { kind quantity floor_loaded page_size } } } } } }
Or you can also use packages instead of the pallet field:
mutation { shipping_plan_create( data: { subtotal: "0.00" shipping_price: "0.00" total_price: "0.00" warehouse_id: "13534" line_items: [ { product_name: "Iron Man", sku: "0102", quantity: 10 } { product_name: "Black Panther", sku: "0103", quantity: 10 } ] packages: [ { line_items: [ { sku: "0102", quantity: 5 }, { sku: "0103", quantity: 5 } ] }, { line_items: [ { sku: "0102", quantity: 5 }, { sku: "0103", quantity: 5 } ] } ] } ) { complexity shipping_plan { id account_id fulfillment_status warehouse_id subtotal pdf_location line_items(first: 10) { edges { node { sku quantity } } } pallets(first: 10) { edges { node { kind quantity floor_loaded page_size } } } } } }
For most of the queries available for the Fulfillment account, you can see some examples in our Examples section or also by inspecting the Schema & Docs.
The queries specific to Fulfillment are the following:
Fulfillment Invoice
This query will allow you to get the Invoice details based on the Invoice ID
Query example:
query { fulfillment_invoice(id: "U0ZDaGFyZ2U6MQ==") { request_id complexity data { id legacy_id stripe_charge_id stripe_invoice_id stripe_invoice_number stripe_invoice_status stripe_invoice_url stripe_next_payment_attempt account_id cc_info amount created_at shipping_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id account_id invoice_id order_id shipment_id shipping_label_id amount shipping_rate processing_fee picking_fee overcharge_fee created_at } } } inbound_shipping_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id account_id invoice_id purchase_order_id shipment_id shipping_label_id amount cost created_at } } } returns_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id account_id invoice_id order_id rma_id rma_label_id amount shipping_rate picking_fee inspection_fee restocking_fee created_at } } } storage_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id account_id warehouse_id invoice_id amount created_at } } } } } }
Fulfillment Invoices
This query will allow you to get the Invoices from a certain time range
query { fulfillment_invoices(date_from: "2019-06-26", date_to: "2019-06-27") { request_id complexity data(first: 10) { edges { node { id legacy_id stripe_charge_id stripe_invoice_id stripe_invoice_number stripe_invoice_status stripe_invoice_url stripe_next_payment_attempt account_id cc_info amount created_at shipping_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id account_id invoice_id order_id shipment_id shipping_label_id amount shipping_rate processing_fee picking_fee overcharge_fee created_at } } } inbound_shipping_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id account_id invoice_id purchase_order_id shipment_id shipping_label_id amount cost created_at } } } returns_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id account_id invoice_id order_id rma_id rma_label_id amount shipping_rate picking_fee inspection_fee restocking_fee created_at } } } storage_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id account_id warehouse_id invoice_id amount created_at } } } } } } } }
Building an integration for a Fulfillment account:
When building an integration you might need to test several workflows to ensure that everything is working correctly.
Getting your account information:
- Use the account query to retrieve useful information such as
. You will need this for some mutations
query { account { request_id complexity data { id legacy_id email warehouses { id legacy_id account_id identifier profile } } } }
Creating products:
- Get the warehouse information with the
query - Create a product using the
Creating an order:
- Use the order_create mutation to create an order