Developer Resources > Returns
In this section, we will guide you through the process of managing returns using our GraphQL Public API.
To be able to do this we will go through the following steps:
1. Get the order:
First step you may need to take when managing returns is to get the order you would like to return.
To acomplish this, you can use both:
Using the order query:
For the orders query you must know the ShipHero order_id
beforehand and it will only return that exact order.
For example:
query { order(id: "117384888") { request_id complexity data { id legacy_id order_number partner_order_id shop_name fulfillment_status order_date line_items(first: 5) { edges { node { id legacy_id sku partner_line_item_id quantity price product_name option_title fulfillment_status quantity_pending_fulfillment quantity_shipped warehouse quantity_allocated backorder_quantity custom_options custom_barcode eligible_for_return customs_value warehouse_id locked_to_warehouse_id subtotal barcode created_at updated_at order_id } } } } } }
Using the orders query:
As for the orders query, it will allow you to filter using more resources, such as:
: Is the name of the store were the order is from. For example: tomstomcats.myshopify.compartner_order_id
: If the order comes in from a store like Shopify, this should match the order_id from Shopifyorder_number
: As an alternative to order_id you can use order number with the orders
: The email asociated with the order (the client’s email).updated_from
: Based on last updates made on the order.order_date_from
: Based on the order creation date in ShipHero.customer_account_id
: In case you are a 3PL and you need to filter by the Customer Account ID.
You could use any of them, and combine them as needed. Other available filters are warehouse_id
and fulfillment_status
2. Create the return:
To generate a return you need to use the return_create
mutation { return_create( data: { order_id: "117384888" warehouse_id: "6545" return_reason: "Too small" label_type: FREE label_cost: "0.00" display_issue_refund: true address: { name: "Customer Example" address1: "55 W RAILROAD AVE" address2: "" city: "GARNERVILLE" state: "NY" country: "US" zip: "10923-1261" phone: "55555555555" } dimensions: { height: "1.00" width: "1.00" length: "1.00" weight: "1.00" } shipping_carrier: "UPS" shipping_method: "Ground" line_items: { sku: "10044334339" quantity: 1 return_reason: "Too small" condition: "Good" } tracking_number: "14322345667" create_label: false partner_id: "MO721" } ) { request_id complexity return { id legacy_id } } }
3. Create an exchange order:
To generate an exchange order, the mutation is similar to the one on 2, but this time exchange items section must be included inside the line items:
line_items: { sku: "10044334339" quantity: 1 return_reason: "Too small" condition: "Good" exchange_items:{ exchange_product_sku:"10044334339" quantity:1 }
And if you also add the exchange information on the return query you should also be able to see the exchange order id that gets created for this return, something like this:
mutation { return_create( data: { order_id: "117384888" warehouse_id: "6545" return_reason: "Too small" label_type: FREE label_cost: "0.00" address: { name: "Customer Example" address1: "55 W RAILROAD AVE" address2: "" city: "GARNERVILLE" state: "NY" country: "US" zip: "10923-1261" phone: "55555555555" } dimensions: { height: "1.00" width: "1.00" length: "1.00" weight: "1.00" } shipping_carrier: "UPS" shipping_method: "Ground" line_items: { sku: "10044334339" quantity: 1 return_reason: "Too small" condition: "Good" exchange_items:{ exchange_product_sku:"10044334339" quantity:1 } } tracking_number: "14322345667" create_label: false partner_id: "MO721" } ) { request_id complexity return { id legacy_id exchanges{ exchange_order{ id legacy_id } } } } }
The response should contain the information on the order that got created for the exchange:
{ "data": { "return_create": { "request_id": "5e7acbba92bfc0024421e71e", "complexity": 10, "return": { "id": "UmV0dXJuOjEwOTUyNTQ=", "legacy_id": 1095254, "exchanges": [ { "exchange_order": { "id": "T3JkZXI6MTIwMTk3Mzgy", "legacy_id": 120197382 } } ] } } } }
4. Use webhooks to receive return status changes:
The Return Update webhook allows you to receive notifications on a URL that you set up on your system. This webhook will be called anytime a return is created or updated.
To be able to configure the webhook you must first register to the webhook by using the webhook_create Mutation.
mutation { webhook_create(data: { name: "Return Update", url: "" }) { request_id complexity webhook { name url } } }
: Is the type of webhook you will be subscribing to, in this case, Return Update.url
: A valid URL for your webhook.
Once you are subscribed to the webhook, you should get notifications anytime a return is created or updated, and the data should look something like this:
{ "status": "pending", "label_cost": "0.00", "order_id": 117384888, "return_id": 1095254, "partner_order_id": "MO721", "picked_up": false, "reason": "Too small", "label_type": "Free Label", "items": [ { "sku": "10044334339", "partner_line_item_id": "MO721-282970272", "warehouse_id": 6545, "item_reason": "Good", "restock": 0, "id": 1772154, "quantity_received": 0, "quantity": 1 } ], "created_at": "2020-03-25 03:10:51", "shop_name": "Manual Order", "tracking_number": "14322345667", "date_used": null, "test": "0", "order_number": "MO721" }
5. Query a return:
You migh also need to get the return information by using a query. To achieve this you could use:
Using the return query:
To use the return query you must know the return_id
, and the query look like this:
query { return(id: "1095254") { request_id complexity data { id legacy_id account_id order_id partner_id reason status label_type label_cost cost_to_customer shipping_carrier shipping_method display_issue_refund dimensions { height length width weight } address { name address1 address2 state city zip country phone } line_items { id legacy_id account_id line_item_id warehouse_id product_id return_id quantity condition is_component type reason created_at updated_at line_item { id legacy_id sku partner_line_item_id quantity price product_name option_title fulfillment_status quantity_pending_fulfillment quantity_shipped warehouse quantity_allocated backorder_quantity custom_options custom_barcode eligible_for_return customs_value warehouse_id locked_to_warehouse_id subtotal barcode created_at updated_at } } created_at } } }
Using the returns query:
For the returns query you can use the following filters:
: Using the ShipHeroorder_id
this filter allows you to get all the returns created for a specific orderwarehouse_id
: This filter allows you to see all the returns created for a specific warehousedate_from
: Based on the date the returns were createdcustomer_account_id
: In case you are a 3PL and would like to know all the returns created for a specific customer account
For example:
query { returns( warehouse_id: "V2FyZWhvdXNlOjgwNzU=" date_from: "2020-03-10" date_to: "2020-03-11" ) { request_id complexity data(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id account_id order_id partner_id reason status label_type label_cost cost_to_customer shipping_carrier shipping_method display_issue_refund line_items { id legacy_id account_id line_item_id warehouse_id product_id return_id quantity condition is_component type reason created_at updated_at line_item { id legacy_id sku partner_line_item_id quantity price product_name option_title fulfillment_status quantity_pending_fulfillment quantity_shipped warehouse quantity_allocated backorder_quantity custom_options custom_barcode eligible_for_return customs_value warehouse_id locked_to_warehouse_id subtotal barcode created_at updated_at } } created_at } } } } }
Using the return_exchange query:
For the returns that have an exchange, you can use a specific query that might get as complex as you need, for example:
query { return_exchange(id: "1095253") { request_id complexity data { id legacy_id exchange_order_id return_id account_id exchange_order { id legacy_id order_number partner_order_id shop_name fulfillment_status order_date total_tax subtotal total_discounts total_price auto_print_return_label custom_invoice_url account_id email profile gift_note packing_note required_ship_date tags line_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id sku partner_line_item_id quantity price product_name option_title fulfillment_status quantity_pending_fulfillment quantity_shipped warehouse quantity_allocated backorder_quantity custom_options custom_barcode eligible_for_return customs_value warehouse_id locked_to_warehouse_id subtotal barcode created_at updated_at order_id } } } authorizations { transaction_id authorized_amount postauthed_amount refunded_amount card_type date } holds { fraud_hold address_hold shipping_method_hold operator_hold payment_hold } shipments { id legacy_id order_id user_id warehouse_id pending_shipment_id address { name address1 city state zip country phone } picked_up needs_refund refunded delivered shipped_off_shiphero dropshipment created_date line_items(first: 1) { edges { node { id legacy_id line_item_id shipment_id shipping_label_id quantity line_item { sku id } } } } } flagged saturday_delivery ignore_address_validation_errors priority_flag allocation_priority } exchange_items { id legacy_id return_item_id sku quantity } original_return { id legacy_id account_id order_id } } } }
Where the id
is the return_id
6. Update or complete a return:
Only status can be updated of modified on existing returns. And an example of the mutation available is the following:
mutation{ return_update_status(data:{ return_id:"1095254" status:"complete" }){ request_id complexity return{ id status } } }
Stock cannot be received using a mutation. The warehouse should receive stock in ShipHero so that the location where the item is put is correct.
Below are the default statuses of a return in ShipHero and what they are used for or will trigger:
Pending – does not trigger anything but is used to note that a return is in progress.
Warehouse Complete – does not trigger anything by default and is used to flag a return that has made its way through warehouse processing.
Complete – triggers a refund for the return and used when the return has made its way through your processes.